Fifth entry
Who loves money the most?
When the humans have reached a true humane state they will calculate what is needed to create a good standard of life they will all choose what they are best at and do their share of the chores until all needs are taken care of. There is no need for money.
Now the prostitutes that don't like to do chores and discover that they can sell or rent their sex organs for a living need money. The politicians don't like to do chores so they say that you must use money so that they can get a cut every time you earn, buy or sell. The bankers print up stacks of money which now belongs to them and you must pay them to use their money. Terrorists love money because they know for a stack of printed paper they can buy all the bomb material that they need. The drug sellers would not hook people on Drugs if they couldn't get a stack of money. It seems like the only people that like money are the people who don't like to do their chores and live off swindling others. They try to make themselves look important by using terms like the cream always rises to the top, that is true in the case of a bucket of raw milk but in all other cases the stuff that rises to the top is called scum that includes the monetary cult.
Only 13% of the population creates the basic needs for life and they are paid the least. The money lords make sure that they are kept poor and hungry to make sure that they will work long hours just to survive.