Entry number seven
Energy sours of the future
The energy that will be used in the future will be to harvest that was here since the earth was formed, which of course is the Sun. The sun warms the planet which causes wind and the wind causes waves on the ocean. All of these things can be harvested to make electricity which in turn can be used the light and heat our homes , it can be used to make hydrogen. Hydrogen can be used to drive our transportation, combined with the Ballard fuel cell and a electric motor. Ballard in on the Internet, check it out.
Why is not used now? Because it is free and the monetary cult can not own the sun, so how can they make big dollars off something they can't control, that is why we use oil. The problem with that is that oil pollutes and causes global warming. If you warm the planet by two degrees a million more gallons will evaporate, when the air enters land it is forced up and we got rain. All this extra water saturates the grown so we get floods and land slides. The more heat we put to this planet the more severe the storms and the landslides killing a lot of life on land. Oil spill pollute the ocean and kill our food source in the ocean.
How long can this go on? I have no idea but the monetary cult worshipers think that all this human and planetary sacrifice is justified
to satisfy their greed for the dollar.
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